May 16 Seminar at Putnam Veterans Park

There will be door prizes and  Raffle baskets. The public can bring in their own hay samples for analysis. Prepay online using the form below and save $5!

9:00 – Registration – Submit hay samples and fill out registration card.
9:30 – Adopting a Rescued Horse/Volunteering at a Rescue  – Colleen Segara of Equine Rescue Resource. Colleen will discuss the procedure for adopting a rescued horse and what a Rescue looks for in volunteers and the training process.  Q & A
10:30 – Short break, light refreshments provided by EHVHC.
10:45 – Nutrition for the Rescued horse and hay analysis -Malinda Ferko of Triple Crown Nutrition.  Malinda will discuss nutrition for the rescued horse and the importance of quality hay.  She will explain how to interpret the results of your hay analysis. Q & A
11:45 – Short break, light refreshments provided by EHVHC
12:00 – Questions to ask a boarding stable before you bring your horse – Christine Nastasi of Tall Oaks.  Christine will discuss how you can determine if the prospective stable is a good fit for you and your newly adopted horse. Q & A

Prepay For Hay Analysis
$ 0.00

Pre-paid samples are $27.00.
We will accept samples the day of the seminar at a cost of $32.00. Cash or check ONLY.

Please call 845-588-5333 if you have any questions.


How to take a proper hay sample?

  1. Select random bales throughout the lot you wish to sample.
  2. Obtain a sample from as far inside the bale as possible.
    • Sampling with hay probe: Reach as far as possible inside the bale with your coring tool. Many Extension offices have this tool available to lend.
    • Sampling by hand: It helps to use a short pipe to pry open the bale. The goal is to reach inside with your hand open and grasp tightly a handful of hay material. You want to try to not strip the leaves off when you do the grabbing, so many small handfuls are better than one large handful.
  3. Place sample from bale into a 5-gallon bucket.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have at least 10 samples from 10% of the bales in the lot you are testing. All samples will be placed into the same gallon bucket.
  5. After sampling the desired number of bales, the entire sample should be pulled apart and mixed thoroughly. You cannot rely on the lab to mix your sample.
  6. Dump sample into re-sealable plastic bag and remove any excess air. It is fine if the bag is not completely full, but you will need a minimum of 1 quart of material in the bag.
  7. Place an index card with your name, address, phone number and email address inside the bag.
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